Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bench (Rep Day) 6-26-13

Still sweltering in Oklahoma.  Was going to try and really punish myself today in on the bench.

Incline Bench:

Bar x 15 reps
95lbs x 12 reps
95lbs x 10 reps
135lbs x 8 reps

Flat Bench Dumbell Presses:

35lb DBs x 10reps
45lb DBs x 8 reps
55lb DBs x 8 reps
55lb DBs x 8 reps
55lb DBs x 6 reps

Standing Skullcrushers:

45lbs x 10 reps
55lbs x 10 reps
60lbs x 10 reps
60lbs x 10 reps
60lbs x 6 reps

Cable Push-downs:

40lbs x 10 reps
40lbs x 12 reps
40lbs x 8 reps
40lbs x 11 reps

It doesn't seem like much, but 135lbs is like 75% of my max.  Which makes me pathetic, but I think doing it for 8 reps in one go is pretty good at this point.  It angers me that I'm this weak.  I let myself get down to this state.  So I'm trying to make myself pay for it in the gym.  This workout was yesterday of course and my triceps are quite sore and my chest is tight.  6 weeks from now is my testing day for my strength in the 3 big lifts.  I'd like to see my bench number over 200.  I feel its a modest goal.  But its one I'm hoping to blast through.  Heavy squat day is next.

Dead Lift (Explosive Day) 6-25-13

Its getting much hotter here and its making me sweat like crazy in the gym.  Its a good thing they have a chalk bucket in the deadlift area.

Dead Lift:

135 x 10 reps
185 x 10 reps
185 x 10 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps
225 x 3 reps

Snatch Grip Deadlift off 4" blocks:

135 x 8 reps
135 x 10 reps
135 x 10 reps
135 x 13 reps

Seated Rows:

135 x 10 reps
135 x 10 reps
180 x 8 reps
180 x 8 reps

Dumbell Shrugs:

60lb dumbells x 12 reps for 3 sets  then repped out on the last set

My back was really knotted up after this day.  I guess it was the 8 sets of 3 reps.  The work felt easy.  The weight was nice in my hands.  So it was a really good deadlift day.  Never done snatch grip deadlifts before, so I kept the weight light and the reps high.  Other stuff was just some accessory stuff for my lats and to try and get my traps touching my ears.  I love deadlifts man.  I wish I could go heavy every day.  But then I'd end up injuring myself and being pissed off when my grip failed. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Legs (Explosive Day) 6-22-13

Was not feeling well this day.  It was incredibly hot outside, I felt like crap and hadn't eaten anything by the time I got to the gym at 1:30.  As such it was an abbreviated work out.  I just wanted to get some work in.


Bar x 15 Reps
135 x 12 Reps
185 x 10 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps
225 x 3 Reps

Leg Press:

135 x 10 reps
135 x 10 reps
225 x 10 reps
225 x 10 reps
225 x 10 reps

Vertical Leg Press:

135 x 10 reps
135 x 10 reps
225 x 8 reps
225 x 6 reps
225 x 6 reps

Like I said.  Not a ton of work.  I felt like crap but I ended up feeling better when I got out.  Getting up and getting a sweat on felt great.  I did the explosive reps a bit heavier than the program called for.  I just felt like I could push my legs a bit more.  This week is heavy squats so I wanted to make sure I was good and ready.  I still feel weak compared to nearly every dude in my gym.  But it doesn't matter.  Because I come in even when I feel like death to try and push myself and make myself stronger.  Today is Deadlifts for reps and I'm ready to get in there and tear myself apart.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bench (Heavy Day) 6-19-13

Heavy is relative of course.  Felt pretty good going in.  Hamstrings were a little tight from the deadlifts.  And my calves are still sore. I was going to try some floor presses today, but I thought I might be better served doing full range of motion.  I'm still so very weak I don't know what I would gain from floor presses yet.


Bar x 17 reps
95 x 15 reps
135 x 10 reps
135 x 10 reps
155 x 3 reps
165 x 3 reps
165 x 3 reps
165 x 3 reps

Incline DB Bench:

45lb DB x 12 reps
55lb DB x 10 reps
55lb DB x 8 reps
55lb DB x 6 reps

Machine Flys:

40lbs x 10 reps
60lbs x 10 reps
80lbs x 8 reps
80lbs x 8 reps

Rope Push-Downs:

40lbs x 25 reps
40lbs x 17 reps
40lbs x 9 reps

Not a ton of work, but I worked the muscles hard.  I actually went up in weight from what I should have been.  I was supposed to do 80% of my max for 3 sets of 2.  But 80% felt really light, too light to be 80%.  So I moved up to 165.  And I could hit triples with it, so I did. And the first set of triples was really easy.  I could have done more.  But I like hitting weights like that.  I'd rather leave thinking I could have lifted more, than to head out defeated.

There is something about the bench, no matter what day you go in there is always someone on a bench.  I go in to the gym on leg day and I'm the only one in that area.  Same as when I'm doing deadlifts.  But bench is like the holy grail of lifting to some people.  I think I need to make it that way for me to so that my bench can catch up.  I love deadlifting and squatting though.  When you have a hard deadlift or squat day you feel drained.  From head to toe you know you couldn't hardly move.  But bench has never felt that way to me.  I've had squat workouts where I could barely walk to my car.  Yesterday I had trouble lifting my phone to ear, so I guess thats good. Anyway I'm rambling.  Need to just keep pushing for strength and building the mountain.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Deadlift (Rep Day) 6-17-13

Calves were incredibly sore.  Lots of stretching before lifting.  Felt pretty good going in to the workout though. 


135 x 10 reps
185 x 10 reps
225 x 8 reps

Deadlift (Off 4 inch pins):

255 x 3 reps
255 x 3 reps

Bent Over Rows:

135 x 8 reps
135 x 8 reps
155 x 8 reps
155 x 10 reps

Seated Rows:

85 x 15 reps 
85 x 17 reps
85 x 15 reps
85 x 13 reps

Not a ton of weight today.  But its a rep day.  Can't go balls out all the time.  225 felt very easy in my hands.  I reset my grip twice.  I felt a twinge in my left lat during one of the reps.  The pulls from the 4 inch pins exacerbated it a bit.  I stretched some before doing the bent over rows.  Still felt it a little so didn't do too much.  And then decided to rep out on the seated rows at a lighter weight.

Still feeling pretty puny in the gym.  Weak and fat and normal compared to those dudes in there moving real weight around.  It will happen eventually.  I just need to keep working.  It takes time to build a mountain.  I have a good ability to build strength.  I've done it many times before.  And I'm starting off at a higher base strength than the last few times I've gotten in to the gym.  I need to make sure that that I keep in mind that the weakness I feel now is just temporary.  Its a transitional state.  Soon I'll be a pretty strong guy, the one of the stronger guys in the gym, then the strongest in the gym.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Accessory Day (6-15-13)

Legs a little sore, but otherwise feeling ok.  This is just a day to hit some body parts that I know don't get hit very hard during the rest of the week.  Not pushing hard on the weights.  Just getting in there to get some weight up and work up a sweat.


Bar x 15 reps
65lbs x 12 reps
95lbs x 10 reps
95lbs x 10 reps
95lbs x 10 reps

Calf Raises: 

100lbs x 12 reps
160lbs x 10 reps
200lbs x 10 reps
260lbs x 10 reps
260lbs x 10 reps (Last two reps static contractions at the top for 5 seconds)

EZ Bar Curls

45lbs x 10 reps
65lbs x 10 reps
65lbs x 10 reps
65lbs x 10 reps
95lbs x 5 reps

Upright Rows:

45lbs x 10 reps
65lbs x 10 reps
85lbs x 10 reps
85lbs x 10 reps
95lbs x 8 reps


3 sets x 60 seconds a piece

Nothing crazy.  Just some accessory work.  My calves are nice and sore today. I think in the future I might push a little more on the OHP.  10 reps were tough with just the 95lbs.  So I felt pretty f'n weak.  But I kept them strict.   No big bouncing on the bottom to get the weight up.  And if I get the weight up on the OHP then the bench will be easier.  Back to work on Monday and back to deadlifts.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Squat (Rep Day) 6-14-13

It was hot as hell today.  Got a lot done in around 45-50 minutes.  Legs have always been a very intense day.  I really love to hit it as hard as I can.


Bar x 12 reps
95 x 12 reps
135 x 10 reps
185 x 8 reps
225 x 8 reps

Wide Stance Good Mornings:

95 x 10 reps
95 x 10 reps
105 x 10 reps
105 x 10 reps

Leg Press:

135 x 10 reps
225 x 10 reps
315 x 10 reps
405 x 10 reps

Olympic Squats:

135lbs x rep out, bar doesn't rack till rep out. 35 reps

At 315 as a max, 225 is a calculated 70% of my max.  So those 8 reps were not easy.  I try really hard to get to parallel or below.  Train lower than you need to so that at the meet its easy to hit depth.  I think I could have handled 135lbs on the good mornings.  I just wasn't sure.  My hamstrings were also getting tight already from the depth of the squats.  Leg presses are general assistance on squats so nothing too interesting there.  Oly squats were interesting.  I've never done them before.  I used some plates under my heels to simulate Oly shoes and to help me get to depth.  Oh lord did they start to burn.  I wanted to hit 50 but I was barely walking after 35.  The stairs at home were no fun and I'm pretty sure getting on/off the toilet is going to be painful for the next few days.  It was a good day.